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Who are Drs. Tonuzi and Higdon?
Resources for Community Participation
Who are Drs. Tonuzi and Higdon?
Medical director of brooks rehabilitation spinal cord injury program
Geneva Tonuzi, MD
 Dr. Tonuzi joined the Brooks team as the Medical Director for Spinal Cord Injury in August 2014 and became the Medical Director for the Cybernic Treatment Center in 2018. Dr. Tonuzi is currently a member of the Florida Medical Association (FMA), the Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals (ASCIP) and the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ABPMR). She is Board-Certified in both Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Spinal Cord Injury Medicine. Dr. Tonuzi currently serves as faculty for the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science.

Medical director of the Brooks Spinal Cord Injury Day Program
Brian Higdon, MD
Dr. Higdon is board-certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and board certified in Spinal Cord Injury Medicine. He joins Dr. Geneva Tonuzi on the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) team as the Medical Director of the Brooks Spinal Cord Injury Day Program and he attends for spinal cord injury patients at the Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital – University Campus. He also develops new programs for neurogenic bladder management, including urodynamic studies, as well as spasticity management for spinal cord injured patients. In 2023, Higdon was appointed to serve as Chair of the Advisory Council of the Florida Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program. Dr. Higdon currently serves as faculty for the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science.

Brooks Rehabilitation Spinal Cord Injury Day Program
The Spinal Cord Injury & Related Disorders Day Treatment Program (SCI/D) is an outpatient interdisciplinary rehabilitation program designed to provide intense therapy for patients who have had a spinal cord injury (SCI) or similar neurologic disorders.

Science and SCI Care Websites
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
Dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by advancing innovative research and improving the quality of life for individuals and families impacted by paralysis.
Unite 2 Fight Paralysis
Exists to unite and empower the international spinal cord injury community to cure paralysis through advocacy, education, and support for research.
SCIRE Community
Provides free information about spinal cord injury research that is written in everyday language.
SCI Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center
THE MSKTC works closely with researchers in the 18 SCI Model System Centers to develop resources for people living with spinal cord injury and their supporters.
SCI Trials Finder
Matches people with spinal cord injuries and clinical trials. It helps people easily locate, understand and participate in clinical trials that fit their situation.
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Paralyzed Veterans of America is the only nonprofit Veteran Service Organization dedicated solely to helping Veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D), and diseases, like MS and ALS.
Resources for Community Participation
United Spinal Association
United Spinal Association is dedicated to empowering and advocating for people with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D) and all wheelchair users to achieve their highest quality of life.
Florida Health Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program
The Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program’s purpose is to provide all eligible residents who sustain a traumatic brain or spinal cord injury the opportunity to obtain the necessary services that will enable them to return to an appropriate level of functioning in their community.
FL Rehab Works
The Florida Department of Education and Vocational Rehabilitation program’s mission is to help people with disabilities find and maintain employment and enhance their independence.
James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal Attendant Services and Employment Assistance (JP-PAS)
JP-PAS provides monthly stipends to adult Floridians with significant disabilities who require personal assistance services to attain and maintain competitive and integrated employment.
CIL Jacksonville
CIL Jacksonville empowers all people with any disability to achieve their independent living goals by providing community-based programs and self-directed services
Brooks Rehabilitation Adaptive Sports and Recreation
Since 2007, Brooks Adaptive Sports and Recreation has proudly provided people living with physical, cognitive and visual disabilities the ability to experience the healing power of a socially and physically active lifestyle.
Florida Tax Exemption
Certain property tax benefits are available to property owners in Florida. This PDF has information on those benefits.
U2FP Curecast
By Unite 2 Fight Paralysis. The podcast feeding the movement to cure paralysis.
SCI: What Really Matters
By the International Spinal Cord Society. With our SCI Care: What Really Matters Podcast and Webinar series, we aim to provide valuable insights and the most up-to-date information for those providing care to people with SCI around the world.
The Independent Life
By the Florida Independent Living Council. The Independent Life is a podcast where we explore the services, issues, ideas, and people who will empower you to become the best version of yourself imaginable, attain your goals for Living Independently, and to serve others to your fullest potential.
United on Wheels: Wheelchair Lifestyle Podcast
United Spinal Association presents United on Wheels, a Wheelchair Lifestyle Podcast addressing topics important to wheelchair users. Hosted by Paul Amadeus Lane, discussions include dating with a disability, accessible travel, advocacy, employment after spinal cord injury, and more.
ASIA SCI Science Perspectives
ASIA SCI Science Perspectives: A dialogue from two perspectives on emerging scientific literature spanning the full spectrum of Spinal Cord Injury Research, from discovery to clinical application.
Showcasing Recent and Impactful work in the field of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Science.
Clinical Trials
ClinicalTrials.gov is a place to learn about clinical studies from around the world.